Salary $300 weekly + room and board

The Arts and crafts crew leader is responsible for running the arts and crafts program during the summer camping season and supervising arts and crafts volunteers. The A&C leader is also responsible for the management and upkeep of the camp snack and apparel shop (aka the Snackery) in cooperation with other assigned staff members.

Minimum Qualifications
· Must be at least 18 years old.
· Has proven leadership ability and the ability to work with others.
· Enjoys working with children and provides a patient and caring attitude.
· Is mature as a person and in his/her Christian faith.
Responsible To
· The Camp Director, the Site Manager and the Session Leader
· The Staff Advisor when living in Clayton Hall and when involved in other than arts and crafts responsibilities.
General Responsibilities
· To accept the camp’s Mission Statement and work toward its basic objectives.
· To give daily leadership to the staff who are assigned to arts and crafts except in determining projects and in the teaching itself.
· To schedule arts and crafts staff members for their various functions outside the arts and crafts shop.
Specific Responsibilities
· To set up the craft shop during orientation.
· To see that the arts and crafts shop is cleaned each and every day and to be sure that the equipment is properly stored.
· To direct the staff and to carry out project assignments.
· To take charge of the total arts and crafts program.
· To oversee the cleaning duties of other buildings assigned to the arts and crafts staff.
· To oversee the arts and crafts staff in carrying out both registration and Snackery assignments.
· To manage and upkeep the camp snack and apparel shop (aka the Snackery).
· Responsible for the intake of camper’s snack money and issuing refunds at the end of each session.
· To serve as a Snackery attendant and to participate in the maintaining of inventory, selling, and keeping of accurate records. To clean the Snackery facility.


An Arts and crafts crew member will work on tasks assigned by the A&C leader to support the A&C program during the summer camping season. An A&C crew member is also responsible for working in the camp snack and apparel shop (aka the Snackery) under the guidance of the A&C leader and/or other assigned leadership.


Minimum Qualifications
· Must be at least 16 years old.
· Is mature as a person and in his/her Christian faith.
· Is willing to work hard and follow directions as given.
· Has demonstrated interest and ability in some area of arts and crafts.
· Has the desire and ability to work with children and youth.
· Gets along with his/her peers and is willing to be part of a team.
Responsible To
· The Camp Director or whomever he/she places in charge during his/her absence and the Session Leader.
· The Staff Advisor when living in Clayton Hall and when involved in other than arts and crafts responsibilities.
· The Arts & Crafts Crew Leader.
General Responsibilities
· To accept the camp’s Mission Statement and work toward its basic objectives.
· To assist in maintaining a clean and safe arts and crafts area.
· To assist in teaching arts and crafts to the campers.
· To give evidence of a joyful Christian spirit to the campers who are being served.
Specific Responsibilities
· To learn the various arts and crafts procedures during staff orientation.
· To assist in preparing the arts and crafts area prior to the opening of camp.
· To assist in preparing materials for teaching arts and crafts.
· To teach arts and crafts each day as assigned.
· To assist in presenting and monitoring the safe use of all arts and crafts materials and equipment.
· To assist in the daily cleaning of the arts and crafts area.
· To assist in any special project of a camping session which makes use of arts and crafts material and skills.
· To serve as Snackery attendants and to participate in the maintaining of inventory, selling, and keeping of accurate records. To clean the Snackery facility.
· To assist in special cleaning assignments of camp facilities.


Summer Staff Application

Volunteer Application


Camp Videos

There is also an open Facebook group with discussion, be sure to search for Baptist Camp Lebanon