Salary $400 weekly + room and board
The assistant cook is someone who has shown special interest in cooking and has given evidence of his or her ability in this area.  He or she will be responsible for helping the Food Service Manager (head cook) in carrying out his/her responsibilities including food preparation, ordering, maintaining equipment, clean-up, etc.  The assistant cook is in charge of all kitchen procedures during the absence of the Food Service Manager.  

Minimum Qualifications
· Must be at least 18 years old.
· Has served at least one year on the kitchen crew summer staff or similar experience.
· Has shown special interest in cooking and given evidence of his/her ability in this area.
· Is mature as a person and in his/her Christian faith.
Responsible To
· The Camp Director or whomever he places in charge during his absence.
· The Site Manager
· The Food Service Manager (cook).
· The Staff Advisor when living in Clayton Hall and when involved in other than Kitchen related activities.
General Responsibilities
· To accept the camp’s Mission Statement and work toward its basic “objective”.
· To aid the Food Service Manager (cook) and carry out all his/her responsibilities as assigned including food preparation, ordering, maintenance of equipment, clean-up, etc.
· To be in charge of all kitchen procedures during the absence of the Food Service Manager (cook).
Specific Responsibilities
· To work with the Food Service Manager (cook) and the Kitchen Crew Leader in preparing the kitchen for the opening of camp.
· To arrange with the Food Service Manager (cook) a schedule of operations which includes a clarification of responsibilities, delineation of tasks, meals and days off, etc.
· To be responsible for those tasks assigned to the Food Service Manager (cook) when shared under his/her supervision and in his/her absence.

Summer Staff Application

Volunteer Application


Camp Videos

There is also an open Facebook group with discussion, be sure to search for Baptist Camp Lebanon